Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ballot Bowl 08

It's election season in USA. Ballot Bowl 08 is what CNN calls it!!! Bah!! humbug!! I don't know which brainy mind came up with that name. I hope it wasn't Anderson Cooper. I really like him. But to use a play on the words Super Bowl to describe the elections was the worst idea ever. I mean, how can you compare elections with Super Bowl??? You think you can have pizza and beer while watching the President's Sate of the Union speech???? Gimme a break!!! Not even if Jenna Bush does a Janet Jackson during half time. Dubya man droning for an hour about what he's gonna do in the year to come, though moderately funny (with all the Bushisms), is still not my cup of tea ( or can of beer). In fact, I think this time I noticed him whispering some thing under his breath after every line. After doing some lip reading I realized what was going on.

Bush: "Our troops in Iraq have brought stability in the region (whisper: NOT!!!). Our troops will start coming back as there is progress in Iraq (NOT!!). We attacked Iraq because it had nuclear arms and not for the oil (NOT!!) . I don't listen to 'Piya tu ab to aa ja' every night, while dreaming about Monica Lewinsky (NOT!!)."

Yeah. Since he can't lie standing there, he whispers his NOT after every sentence. He usually turns away from the camera and pretends to look at Nancy Pelosi while saying NOT (well, Dick Cheney was also sitting next to Nancy, so I wasn't really sure whom he was looking at). He thinks no one has seen the Borat movie, except him and the villians in Air Force One. Just because Borat gets to Pamela Anderson (sighhhh!!!), they thought they can get to Harrison Ford. Ya right. Indiana Jones is only scared of snakes. Not gun-weilding Kazhaki terrorists. Give him his rope and hat, and he could take on the Penguin, Joker and Riddler at the same time. Even batman needs three movies to do that!!!

So coming back to the Ballot Bowl, all the attention seems to be on the Democrats this year. Obama and Clinton are like Packers and Cowboys. Neck to neck all the way to the end. But to what purpose. Both got kicked out. Cause the year belonged to the Pats, a.k.a John McCain. Yes. The senator from Arizona (which incidentally hosted the Super Bowl this yr!!).

Does any one think that a black man can defeat a white man in the elections? Or a woman defeat a man? I don't think so. The Democrats will be a victim of their own ignorance. America is not ready for this. They give too much credit to the citizens of America, when all they want is to get fat in peace and blow away their money in Vegas. It may happen one day. But not this year. Not in these elections. This is not the time for change.

P.S. Don't forget that the Giants took the cake eventually. Will Huckabee be the surpise upset? Do white conservatives still hold the power in this country? To which side will they sway? Wait and watch.

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